Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Album Review: Onoe Caponoe - Voices From Planet Cattele

The prodigal son returns! Chris Brown is here to give us the latest hip-hop review as he explores the latest offering from UK based hip-hop label High Focus; a label determined to offer new and exciting hip-hop. Check out Onoe Caponoe Voices From Planet Cattele.

Firstly, I must confess from the off that High Focus Records are a UK hip-hop label that I have a major love for. Ever since I first discovered the label, which wasn't actually too long ago thinking about it, I have been hooked. I honestly don't believe hip-hop as a genre has been looked after very well. I feel it was all beginning to sound same-y and started to go a little stale and ultimately repetitive. It truly made me sad. This was until High Focus came into my life. It may still be a small label but make no mistakes, they are home to some of the most incredible and fascinating artists I've ever come across. Each of these artists seem to come at the genre from different, interesting and fresh angles. Perfect for recapturing my waning interest.

With that in mind I want to introduce you to Onoe Caponoe with his new album and first under the High Focus label Voices From Planet Cattele. Although I was familiar with the producer (Chemo) I'd never heard Onoe Caponoe, so I hit play not really knowing what to expect. As soon as I listened I was treated to sounds that were hypnotic and mind bending in so many psychedelic and totally abnormal ways. This theme continues throughout the entire album, leading you to believe you're actually floating through the deepest realms of space.

The second you hear the first track, Cattele Intro, you are greeted by martian like voice (which sounds like a sample stripped straight from a 60's space movie) telling of the creation of planet Cattele. With this kind of opener, you know this is going to be a one of a kind album. Space Bitches is the following track and it's only really a taster of Onoe Caponoe's laid back lyrical flow. The blend between the style of production and clever lyricism in Lord Of The Light - Sun Riddim, Disappearing Jakob and Peace To The Godz (all personal favourites of mine which I just simply can't choose between) have an astounding effect that will have you floating blissfully in every verse. Moon - Galactico, the most instrumental track on the album, is laced with wobbly guitar riffs and vinyl crackle, giving the whole track a nice authentic feel; a sound that never gets old. This shows off Chemo's craftsmanship superbly. For one of the more experimental tracks we have Goth Bitches (The Serenade) which features Jehst hitting us with intricately put together rhyme schemes. Paint Your Body Gold is the closing track which has a more familiar hip-hop rhythm to it. I found this brought me back to planet Earth, after the mesmerising trip that Voices From Planet Cattele had taken me on.

This is one of the most experimental hip-hop albums I've heard in a long time. It pushes the boundaries a little and for that, I love it. So if UK hip-hop is your thing, or even if hip-hop in general is your thing, then I really do urge you to check this guy out. You will not be disappointed.    

Article by: Christian Brown 

ORDER THE CD: http://bit.ly/16TLpxV
ORDER ALBUM ON iTUNES: http://bit.ly/1w2rQYS

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