Tuesday, 31 March 2015

The Four Owls - Natural Order

Our incomparable hip hop mogul is back! Chris Brown leads you through the latest offering from UK label High Focus. Here he is with The Four Owls and Natural Order. 

Here's a little something for all the hip hop lovers in the land. Back again to supply ya'll with more goodness from the label that continuously takes the genre to new and incredible heights. You got it, it's High Focus. This time it's the ornithologically themed UK hip hop super group who recently swooped in and dropped their new album, Natural Order.

When unmasked, you may know them as Fliptrix, Verb T, Leaf Dog and BVA; four individually talented artists, each with a different story to tell. After putting a tonne of hard work into their involvement within the genre, they now stand on the very forefront of UK hip hop. Wearing those trademark masks, Big Owl, Bird T, Deformed Wing and Rusty Take-Off are better known as The Four Owls.

Before going into hibernation back in 2011, the Owls released their first album Natures Greatest Mysteries, which really set the bar for UK hip hop. It's truly an incredible album and you haven't heard it. I think it's about time you changed that. Check out Life In The Balance featuring the one and only Jam Baxter. Go ahead and click on the video below, you may just love as much as I do. 

Throughout the whole album I felt a strong sense of unity, kinda like the way I felt when I heard their first album. They don't just happen to work well together, they bond like brothers. This is something which is pointed out in the album. The good stuff doesn't just stop at that, this release is bursting at the seams with flavour, originality and some genius lyricism. As for Leaf Dogs production on the entire album but one, it's summed up in one word, flawless. Dirty Dike and Jam Baxter return to collab once again, Smellington Piff makes an appearance as well as the legendary DJ Premier. That was a piece of news which left me shocked and excited to the very core. This is a history making collaboration, a bridge between UK hip hop and US hip hop is being built. It's something to be exited about!

The entire albums foundations are a clever construction of infectious classic hip hop, boombap style beats. You know the kind that just take over your mind, the head nod starts and you just can't stop. A brilliant blend of Soul and Jazz samples sit comfortably atop the beats. Rice Torture displays this in excellent style. If you don't previously know who the Owls are, this track is full of their personal perspectives giving the listener a clear insight to what they stand for. The slick changes between the four of them have always been easy to distinguish. Lyrically I won't say a word, just check the vid below. 

Silent Flight was the first single from this album, before the albums official release. This track is laced with twinkles of piano keys and well time soulful vocal samples, complete with yet another infectious head bobbing beat. This track is a favourite of my mine, which takes me to my second favourite, Feels Great, which is a track overflowing with feel good vibes. They show how appreciative they are of their positions within the genre, as well as the fans who show love and support, and the positive outlook on life that's given them. 

Think Twice caused major excitement within the UK hip hop community. Produced by the great DJ Premier, more famously known as the second member of the hip hop duo Gang Starr. The track starts with Premo introducing himself and the Owls; "This time, we're going overseas! Four brothers better known as The Four Owls!'' This intro is underpinned by a harmonious instrumental section that plays in the back, creating an air of nostalgia before the beat kicks. Premo's unmistakable, unique style of scratching combined with sampling follows this and it's just perfect. I gotta say The Owls perform outstandingly here and really bring this collaboration together with their razor sharp wit and genius word play. The video for this is pretty sweet too:


The next track, Pay The Price, is ultimately about decisions that people make and the actions that follow, all resulting in them inevitably paying the price. The Owls take no shit in Defiant (almost a direct quote). Control is toned down a little, is a little more chilled and I found this track quite thought provoking. Following is The Four Elements which features DJ Sammy B-Side. 

Then we have Dawn Of A New Day. The track is a straight up banger, Deformed Wing (Leaf Dog) cranks those boombap beats back up to eleven. The lyrical flow and its content hit hard! Big Owl barks "Things are changing the dawn of a new day, Four Owls, front of the crusade you don't like it? Fuck what you say!" Smellington Piff closes with an absolute killer verse. Approach Assassination with caution, it hits hard and bites harder. The Owls take off with some aggression over the top of that devious beat, throwing out methods on how to do the job properly, if you know what I mean! Wherever Dirty Dike is there's a lot of potential for 'aggressive' expansion. 

The boombap beats don't stop in Ain't Like It and neither does that killer flow! Despite not being able to eradicate it, The Owls show they've no desire to put up with needless drama in The Drama. Up next is Open Book featuring Jam Baxter. Followed by Judgement, a personal favourite. This track is easily relatable because it applies to everybody, those who misjudge and those who fall victim to it. The hook; "Are you looking behind the cover you see or judging me by the things the world made you believe? Are you looking at the way that I dress and thinking that it corresponds to the things in my head?'" Beautiful

The thought provoking Old Earth comes second to last on the album. The Owls show their reflective sides, speaking of the tough challenges as life progresses whilst keeping positive outlook in order to overcome them. This is a track that needs to be heard in order to really connect with it. The video is stunning so full screen it, sit back... Relax.

Motivation finishes the album on a high note with positive vibes flowing throughout. Laidback production with a chilled beat compliments this track superbly. Big Owl opens the track speaking about his passion for music and how that has been his driving force. Deformed Wing shows appreciation to those that surround him, including the haters, as they give him strength. Bird T uses his easy going lyrical flow to explain his progression from chasing money to staying true to the music. Followed by Rusty Take-Off who closes the album with his verse that contains not even the littlest bit of hate in his voice, not even for his haters. 

If you're all for that big sound hip hop, the kind where artists constantly show off and brag about their money and fame, then maybe this album isn't for you. This album is loaded with real substance and relatable subject matter, It connects with real people and it did it for me on so many different levels. The production ticks all of the boxes and the lyricism, I've already said it many times but it's just incredible. The Four Owls have literally created a masterpiece and if all of what I've had to say here sounds good to you, I believe Natural Order is for you.

Article by: Chris Brown

Purchase Natural Order Here:

High Focus Store
High Focus Store Limited Edition 

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