Monday, 5 January 2015

EP Review: Crack House-The Hits Just Keep on Coming.

Stumbling out of their run-down, broken crack den. Philly Grindcore junkies Crack House offer us their EP "The Hits Just Keep On Coming." We ask our master of metal mayhem, Gary Lee to guide us through it.

“Smoke some crack with me bro/I wanna smoke crack/smoke some fucking crack with me bro.” The opening words of the The Hits Just Keep On Coming, an EP released by Philly Grindcore outfit and juckie fuckers CRACK HOUSE.

There doesn’t seem to be that much information out there about this band, but they are currently releasing music through the Philadelphia based “Useless Drunk Records.” Yet what there is to say is "holy shit these guys are fun." This EP is just no nonsense balls to the wall thrash-riffs, seriously “the big 4” wish they could still shred like this and have fun. The punk spirit that grindcore encapsulates storms through like a raging bull, presumably on crack. There is a definite air of CRACK HOUSE doing what they want, when they want, as guttural growls, uncompromising riffs and devastating drum hits mug you through your sound system for the whole fifteen minute length. This EP is just sheer debauchery.

The EP kicks off with the lyrics mentioned at the top, and the song CRACK HOUSE. There is nothing to be said he, that hasn’t already been said, but these guys are not shy. This is a hard hitting way to set off the EP. I love the shredding solo and the little drum fills that are hidden in the chorus. This song kicks off the EP in perfect crusty fashion, welcoming you to the crack house, and letting you know that for the next 4 tracks you are just going to be pummelled.

THIS EMERGANCY ROOM, IS GONNA NEED A FUCKING EMERGANCY ROOM, is probably my favourite track on the EP and has one hell of an intro. A low fi, punk, feedback wail heralds the track before a chugging riff kicks in, adding to this chaoscomes a building drum roll which adds tension before guttural vocals shatter it.The song breaks off its chains and begins to stomp around like an irresponsible Japanese monster and just wrecks shit.

The EP continues in the same vein with THE HITS JUST KEEP ON COMING which takes the word “hits” and throws it in the context of, unsurprisingly, crack. Once again, this track puts its balls upon the wall of metal, and just thrashes the fuck out. The following,  JUNKIE FUCKER fits more aggression in a 1:39 time frame than I ever thought possible, even finding time to break for another one of those string snapping solos.

Finally, the EP offers its final track in MARCH OF THE CRACKHEAD, another drug fuelled lesson in speed. The almost oscillating riff would be hypnotic if it wasn’t so aggressive, instead it becomes almost a berserker anthem. This may cause  you to flail around with elbows high snapping your neck in ways a car accident only dreams of while Crack House rams the song deep into your ear canals with unbridled depravity.

In summation, this band, go into my list of “party metal” along with guys like “Iron Reagan,” “Municipal Waste,” and “Napalm Death” a band who you know could just set a boring house party off, and perhaps set the hosting house on fire. I’d advise not to expect crazy musicianship from these guys, but to expect crazy pits, as they arrive, tear shit up, raise hell and leave, and I have to ask. What could be more metal than that?

Released January 4th on Useless Drunk Records, "The Hits Just Keep On Coming" is available now 

Article by Gary Lee (@thewheelbear)

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