Thursday, 15 January 2015

Sposa In Alto Mare-Nevergrind

Crusty punk from the bowels of Italy? Who better to take a look at this latest offering than Gary Lee himself? So here is something to scuzz up your evening!

If you like your distortion served with extra distortion, plus a serving of fuzz on the side and you like it all served to you by a waiter whose screams can make your balls shrivel and your ovaries cease, then Sposa In Alto Mare may just be the band for you! Hailing from Padova Italy, they are a crust-punk/grindcore act. Their most recent release, Nevergrind, came almost a whole year ago (late January 2014) and it did with visceral abandon. From end to end this album is blast beats, fuzz and growls. These guys can thrash, these guys can make noise and these guys give absolutely no shits who can hear them.

I feel it is also safe to say that the "give no shits" attitude comes through in the music, with song titles such as the opener (sticking to English translations) Would You Really Spend Money For This Shit? The song answers its own question with the abrupt and, of course, scream lyrics "Hmmm? No." Wonderful, setting the brutal yet jovial tone of the album from the get go. At only 23 seconds long, it is a quick grindcore punch to the face before moving on to the next track. This sort of style continues throughout; a veritable  flurry of face fucking blast beats and comedic song titles, such as Never Put Toothpaste On The Cock! Which lyrically backs its advice up with the reason "Ahhhh it burns!"

However, as always, a couple of songs stand out here. Nuclear (Kurt Cobain Version) features that riff from Smells Like Teen Spirit, released on this albums namesake. Of course, this being a crusty in your face punk band, it is a slightly looser interpretation. Batman's Revenge on Ozzy Osbourne is a track that breaks from the furious sea of noise to lay down an almost blues type groove. The thick distortion giving a sludgy feel to the track as it trudges through the scale before ripping off a classic stoner shredding session in the closing minute. Finally, there is I Need to Stoner which is another dark sludgy affair, deep crunchy riffs and hypnotically slow down tempo rhythm which all builds up to the sound of someone forcing out a rather large and rather wet turd.....
Come on, you didn't think this was going to stay serious for too long!?

All in all, if you like any of what you read here: distortion, fuzz, growls, crusty themes, punk, grindcore or even immature lyrical content and fart jokes, then this is worth your time. Personally, I am not always in the mood for less serious music, but I found enough to love here so it is worth a shot for sure. However, if you came here expecting avant garde symphonic black metal or the soul crushing chill of a doomy winter then you're definitely in the wrong place.

Article by Gary Lee (@thewheelbear)

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